The company “blvd media group” (hereafter, the Company), which created the website www.blvd-collections.net (hereafter, the Website), offers its services under the following terms of use (hereafter, The Terms of Use), which the visitor/user (hereafter, Visitor/User) of the Website’spages is asked to read carefully and use the pages/services of the Website only if he/she fully agrees with them.
Amendments to the Terms of Use
The Company reserves the right to amend, according to its discretion, the Terms of Use and every other regulation that govern the Website, publishing any amendments on the front page of theWebsite. The continuing use of this Website by the Visitor/User after publicizing any changes will be conceived as acceptance of such changes. The use of the Website is subject to the Terms of Use applied at the specific moment of use. The Visitor/User is required to read periodically theTerms of Use to keep up with any modification.
User Consent
The Visitor/User of the Website provides expressly his/her consent that he/she has read and accepted the content of the Terms of Use of the Website. Moreover, he/she is committed to comply with its rules and refrain from any use of the Website, which is unlawful and contrary to morality.
Responsibility of the Visitor/User
The Visitor/User of the Website must, on the one hand, comply with the rules and provisions of the Greek, European and International Laws and, from the other hand, abstain from any illegal and abusive use of the content and services of the Internet site. The Visitor/User of the Websitemust have the proper, polite and discreet behavior during his/her visit and use. The adoption of unfair competition practices is expressly prohibited. Any damages caused to the Website deriving from the undue or unfair use of the relevant services by the Visitor/User will be exclusively attributed to the latter.
If the Visitor/User wishes to subscribe to the services of the Website he/she agrees to provide true, accurate, valid and complete information with regard to data requested.
User Account
By accepting these Terms of Use of the Website and upon completion of a registration process, the Website offers member services to its users. When the Visitor/User completes the registration process as designated by the Website, the Visitor/User will receive a confirmation of a password and username of his/ her choice. Members are entirely responsible for all activities that occur via their personal username and password and their account in general. Members agree to notify theWebsite immediately of any unauthorized use of their account or any breach of security related to their account. Members are also responsible for the proper use of their account. The Websiteshall not be liable for any harm or damage that may incur as a result of members' inability to respect and follow any part of this term.
User Ethics
The Website provides Visitors/Users with the necessary technological infrastructure and tools for posting / publishing content. However, all information, data, text, graphics, photographs, images, music files, videos, messages and all content, whether publicly posted by the users on the Website or privately transmitted through services, is the sole responsibility of the person or entity from which the content is sourced. Therefore, the Visitor/User is solely responsible for any and all content he/she displays, publishes, sends, transfers or otherwise makes available through the services of the Website.
Visitors/Users are not to use the services of the Website, for purposes including and not limited to:
Uploading, publishing, posting, distributing or using another method to install content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, offensive, harmful, defamatory, vulgar, violent, abusive, racist or otherwise objectionable, violating the personality and private data, causing feelings of hatred, etc.
Harm minors in any way.
Impersonation of any legal or natural person or a false statement about the identity of the Visitor/User or misleading statement regarding the relationship and/or cooperation of the Visitor/User by another person or entity.
Forgery or other alteration of identification of Visitors/Users in order to mislead as to the origin of content transmitted through the services of Website.
Uploading, publishing, posting, distributing or using another method of installing content from a person not entitled to allocate specific content according to law or under a confidential relationship.
Uploading, publishing, posting, distributing or using another method for installing software or content in any form (text, image, audio, video, animation) that infringes any copyright of any person (including trade secrets).
Uploading, publishing, posting, distributing or using another method to install unsolicited advertising or other promotional content or services, or from other websites, sending unwanted and unbidden from the customer e-mails and any other form of promoting unwanted content.
Uploading, publishing, posting, distributing or using another method for installing and/or promotion and/or make available any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware computer or telecommunications equipment.
Interfering to services or disrupting of services or servers or networks connected to the services of the Website, or disobedience of the rules, the requirements, procedures and rules of use of such networks. Interfering or obstructing, by means of HTML code / CSS or any other, the normal operation and content of the Website pages or other users’ pages (profiles, clubs, homepages, blogs, etc) and the space in the personal pages of the sameVisitor/User, which display the Website logo or logos from others services or advertising, under the terms hereof (including but not limited to overlapping the Website logo and/or to blocking the display of advertising banners, etc.).
Violation, with or without intention, of any local, national, European, international law and/or any regulations having the force of law, and refer and/or cover any service of theWebsite.
Harassment in any manner of privacy and of individual and social rights of otherVisitors/Users.
The Visitor/User of the Website is solely and exclusively responsible to fully restore any resulting damage to the Website, to the associates and/or any third party due to any dispute/difference/conflict which may arise and will be due to failure of the Visitor/User with the terms hereof.
When using the services of the Website in a manner contrary to these terms, the Websitereserves the right to exclude without prior notification the Visitor/User from its services.
Newsletters, which the Visitor/User of the services of Website receives upon his/her registration to the mailing lists, are the Website Administrators’ intellectual property and are protected under the provisions of the EU law and the relevant international treaties. The Website Administrators have the right to deny either a person's registration to the mailing lists or their removal from them.
Links to other sites
This Website contains links to other websites. The Website Administrators have no control over the availability, content, data privacy policy, quality or completeness of the services of other web sites to which the Website is linked or hyperlinked, or of any advertising banners, and they bear no responsibility for this content.
Therefore, for any problem that might arise during the visit/use, you must contact directly the corresponding web pages, which bear full liability for the provision of their services.
The Website Administrators shall in no way be considered to endorse or approve the content or services of the web pages to which it refers or to which it is linked in any way.
Intellectual rights
With the exceptions specifically mentioned (intellectual rights of third parties, partners and bodies), the total content of the Website, including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, the services provided and, in general, all the files of this Website, constitute intellectual property of the Company and are protected pursuant to the relevant provisions of the European Law and the international conventions.
Therefore, none of them may become, in total or in part, object of selling, copying, amendment, reproduction, republication and cannot be transmitted or distributed in any way for personal gain.Other products or services mentioned in the web pages of this Website and which bear the trademarks of the corresponding organizations, companies, collaborators, agencies, associations or publications, constitute the intellectual property thereof and consequently only they shall be liable for such content.
It is hereby explicitly agreed that in the case of any lawsuit, claim, administrative or judicial, arising from any type of your violation against the Website, you undertake the obligation on the one hand to intervene in the relevant procedure and on the other hand to compensate theWebsite in the event it is obligated to pay a compensation or other expenditure.
Applicable Law and Other Terms
The aforementioned terms and conditions of use of the Website, as well as any amendment, change or alteration thereof, are governed and supplemented by EU Law and the relevant international conventions.
If any provision of the above conditions conflicts with the law, it will automatically cease to be in force and will be removed from this agreement, without in any way prejudicing the effect of the other conditions.
These terms constitute the entire agreement between the Website Administrators and theVisitor/User of the pages and services thereof and bind only them. No amendment of these terms will be taken into consideration and be part of this agreement unless it has been put down in writing and incorporated herein.
Data Privacy Policy
The management and protection of the personal data of the Visitor/User of the Website is governed by these terms, and the relevant provisions of both European Law (Directives 95/46/EC and 97/66/EC).
The Website collects the following personal data: Name, Last Name, email address, City, Prefecture.
If the Visitor/User wishes to subscribe to the service/s of the Website or use the contact forms, he/she agrees to provide true, accurate, valid and complete information with regard to data requested by the Website.
These data are not disclosed to third parties (with the exception as foreseen by the Law and solely to the competent Authorities) while their personal nature is safeguarded.
TheWebsite maintains records with this information for purposes of communication, statistics and improving its provided services.In any case, the Visitor/User of the website has the possibility, after contacting the competent department and discovering the existence of his/her personal file, to request its deletion, correction or change. Underage persons may have access to the Website only with the consent of their parents/guardians and are not obligated to disclose their personal data.
The Website may use cookies for recognizing the Visitor/User of certain services and pages of the Website. Cookies are small text files saved on the hard disk of the visitor and do not interfere with any file from his/her computer. They are used for statistical reasons in order to determine the areas of the Website that are useful and popular.
In the case of links to other websites, the Website is not responsible for the terms of the privacy policy these websites observe.
ARE PROHIBITED the republication, the reproduction (total or partial) the content of the Websitein any way, as: electronic, photocopying, recording or other, without previous written authorization of editor, according to Law and the rules of International Right which are in effect in Cyprus, as well as the European Law.
61 Andrea Avramidi Street, 2024 Nicosia, Cyprus